What’s new in v4.10.0 Cédric 23 January 2023 We just released a new update for Promyze. 💡 Smarter suggestions This topic condenses most of the change of this
Do right things, do things right Cédric 19 January 2023 It’s funny to realize how this wonderful sentence applies to software engineering and especially when we deal with software quality.
21 questions you’ll ask if you develop a VSCode extension Cédric 12 January 2023 Are you about to start developing a VSCode extension? Or maybe you struggle with what you’re currently trying to achieve?
Refactoring the code with no pain Cédric 10 January 2023 Refactoring the code in legacy software is an opportunity to restructure and improve the code source while keeping the same
Wrapping up 2022 Cédric 6 January 2023 As we just wrapped up 2022, let’s take the time to reflect on what we shipped this past year. This
Improve your code with the property-based testing and fast-check Cédric 21 November 2022 ???? Why property-based testing? At Packmind, we’re convinced that methodologies such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) can really improve the quality of our code.
Community of Practice, a structure to boost knowledge sharing Cédric 14 November 2022 Before diving into the concept of Community of Practice (CoP), I’d like to ask you one question. In your daily
Promyze sera présent à la soirée du Test Logiciel 2022 Cédric 3 November 2022 Comme chaque année, la communauté Test et Qualité Logiciel de Télécom Valley organise la Soirée du Test Logiciel 2022, qui
Knowledge management and tools for software developers Cédric 3 November 2022 Knowledge management and tools in this field are becoming more and more critical for companies, according to a Gartner® 2022
Why do developers struggle to share best coding practices? Cédric 25 October 2022 Recent studies mention that best practices and knowledge sharing are among the top factors that boost engineering performance. The StackOverflow